The aim of is the coverage of progress in the field of functional imaging of biological objects via InfraRed Thermography.

The covers, but not limited to, the following topics: 

  • Benefits and limitations of using InfraRed thermography in medicine and biology;
  • Digital processing of thermal InfraRed video with the aim of qualitative and quantitative assessment of functional properties of bio-objects;
  • Software for thermal image processing;
  • Relationship between the skin temperature oscillations and accompanying blood flow changes.


 Key words: blood flow imaging, temperature oscillations, infrared thermography, thermal imaging, functional imaging, TBFconverter, amplitude and phase relationships.

* it's a principally non-commercial project, no information is used for advertising purposes.

The content of will be expanded over time... 

Last news and updates:

September 19, 2018. The new software TBFConverter 1.7 is now available for free download on page SOFTWARE FOR DOWNLOAD.
+ May 10, 2018. The new publication are availible on page OUR PUBLICATIONS
+ May 10, 2018. The new blood flow videos are availible on page BLOOD FLOW VIDEOS
+ July 4, 2014. The new thermal videos are availible on page THERMAL VIDEOS
