Blood Flow Videos

1.Thermography - based Blood Flow Imaging in hands (Post Occlusive Reactive Hyperemia, Right Hand)

This video demonstrates skin blood flow oscillations during cuff occlusion extracted from thermal imaging frames. Blood flow oscillations assessed by wavelet filtration applyed to time series of the temperature in the each point of the thermograms. Basis of the method had been described in the articles: Sagaidachnyi А.А., Fomin A.V., Usanov D.A. and Skripal A.V. Thermography-based blood flow imaging in human skin of the hands and feet: a spectral filtering approach // Physiological measurement, 2017, vol. 38, № 2. pp. 272-288;Sagaidachnyi А.А., Skripal A.V., Fomin A.V. and Usanov D.A. Determination of the amplitude and phase relationships between oscillations in skin temperature and photoplethysmography -- measured blood flow in fingertips // Physiological measurement, 2014, vol. 35, № 2. pp. 153-166.

2.Thermography - based Blood Flow Imaging in feet

This video demonstrates skin blood flow oscillations during thermal impact of pad warmer applied to the back. Blood flow oscillations assessed by wavelet filtration applied to time series of the temperature in the each point of thermograms. Basis of the method had been described in the articles: Sagaidachnyi А.А., Fomin A.V., Usanov D.A. and Skripal A.V. Thermography-based blood flow imaging in human skin of the hands and feet: a spectral filtering approach // Physiological measurement, 2017, vol. 38, № 2. pp. 272-288;Sagaidachnyi А.А., Skripal A.V., Fomin A.V. and Usanov D.A. Determination of the amplitude and phase relationships between oscillations in skin temperature and photoplethysmography -- measured blood flow in fingertips // Physiological measurement, 2014, vol. 35, № 2. pp. 153-166.

3.Thermography - based Blood Flow Imaging in hands (endothelial frequency band)

This video demonstrates skin blood flow oscillations extracted from thermal imaging frames. Blood flow oscillations assessed by wavelet filtration applyed to time series of the temperature in the each point of the thermogram. Basis of the method had been described in the articles: Sagaidachnyi А.А., Fomin A.V., Usanov D.A. and Skripal A.V. Thermography-based blood flow imaging in human skin of the hands and feet: a spectral filtering approach // Physiological measurement, 2017, vol. 38, № 2. pp. 272-288;Sagaidachnyi А.А., Skripal A.V., Fomin A.V. and Usanov D.A. Determination of the amplitude and phase relationships between oscillations in skin temperature and photoplethysmography -- measured blood flow in fingertips // Physiological measurement, 2014, vol. 35, № 2. pp. 153-166.

4. Thermography - based Blood Flow Imaging in hands (neurogenic frequency band)

This video demonstrates skin blood flow oscillations extracted from thermal imaging frames. Blood flow oscillations assessed by wavelet filtration applyed to time series of the temperature in the each point of the thermogram. Basis of the method had been described in the articles: Sagaidachnyi А.А., Fomin A.V., Usanov D.A. and Skripal A.V. Thermography-based blood flow imaging in human skin of the hands and feet: a spectral filtering approach // Physiological measurement, 2017, vol. 38, № 2. pp. 272-288;Sagaidachnyi А.А., Skripal A.V., Fomin A.V. and Usanov D.A. Determination of the amplitude and phase relationships between oscillations in skin temperature and photoplethysmography -- measured blood flow in fingertips // Physiological measurement, 2014, vol. 35, № 2. pp. 153-166.
5.Thermography - based Blood Flow Imaging in hands (3D)
